A review by anbananova
Vendetta in Death by J.D. Robb


i liked this one. at first i admired the murderer but “lady justice” was just cringey. i read a lot of books from this kind of murderer’s perspective where they go and kill bad people bc the system failed them. so it was interesting to see this side, eve’s side. 


“Got a few things yet to do down here—including picking a lock. We’ll come up after.
Need a hand with the lock?
Maybe, she thought, but answered: Don’t insult me.”

“I’m going to stop by a flower stall on the way home and buy a whole bunch of daffodils. Hey, I should buy some for the bullpen!”
“Do that, prepare to eat them.”

“Some spouses turn a blind eye for any number of reasons.”
“Some do.” Eve turned her very sharp eye on Roarke. “Me, I’d’ve strapped him naked to the bed, tied his dick in a knot after I’d slathered it with honey for the fire ants I’d have in a jar, which I’d dump out right on his knotted dick.
“But that’s just me,”

“I might take a page from your book on whomever my adored wife might cheat with. Then I’d buy up every coffee bean in the known universe, and burn them, as well as the plants they grow on.”
“That’s sick,” she said with feeling. “Sick and inhumane.”

“Men are the enemy; destroying them the mission.”
“Well now, that’s a warm welcome home.”

“Define lady,” he invited.
“Delicate female wuss.”

“What’s a lady with a penis?”
“Possibly conflicted.”

“And shouldn’t you be buying up some third-world country and crowning yourself king instead of answering your ’link?”
“I did that this morning.”