A review by chalicotherex
Batman & Robin: Batman & Robin Must Die! by Frazer Irving, Ryan Winn, Grant Morrison, Cameron Stewart, Batt, Chris Burnham, David Finch


Morrison's run on Batman was close to perfection. A new Robin who was Batman's biological son seemed like a terrible idea until Morrison "killed off" Batman (actually he got sent back in time and became Caveman Batman and Pirate Batman and Cowboy Batman, which was fun in itself) and had former Robin Dick Grayson take his place.

The new Dynamic Duo is the freshest breath of air DC has had since Miller finished Year One. It replaces the old status quo by having Batman being the light hearted one and Robin being the grim avenger, which works great as comedy. Of course any new status quo can't last forever and DC had to fuck it up with the New 52 and bringing Bruce Wayne back. The follow up, Batman Inc is Morrison's only major misstep, because he can't find an interesting way to reconcile Wayne's problematic billionaire status with his own left-leaning politics.