A review by readwithciara
Illusionarium by Heather Dixon Wallwork


It was actually fun for a light read. I enjoyed reading the footnotes as well, so silly. My favorites are when Jonathan compares his clumsy movements to that of Lockwoods' graceful ones. Not gonna lie, Lockwood made me swoon (a little?).

This book reminds me of the quote "The end does not justify the means." Queen Honoria's objective is to revive Nod'Ol and make it prosper again, but since her means was wrong, the exact opposite happened. It was chaotic. Her continuous reign would have ruined Nod'Ol unlike that of Lady Florel's.

I was also reminded that we cannot be held responsible to whatever situation we are in but rather how we reacted to it. We cannot control the occurrences, but we can choose our actions. Always point your compass to North.

Somehow, I feel attacked in the parts where they inhale fantillum to scape the reality. Not that I was ever high on dr*gs, but because it was one of the reasons why I read books. When reality becomes a little too much to bear, I choose to lose myself in books, and that's okay. We all need a little reprieve sometimes. But what's unhealthy is when I choose to stay in that ephemeral world. At the end of the day, we still have to face whatever obstacle is in our way. We can't always run from it.