A review by cjsjellybean
Always and Forever by Soraya M. Lane


I had a really hard time choosing a star rating for this title. I did enjoy the book, but it was just lacking a certain something that would make it great. I can't even pinpoint what it is it was missing but something just didn't do it for me. This was a heart wrenching story to read and although I have never been 100% in their shoes, I know what it's like to want a baby so badly and not be able to have one. Thankfully, my story ended differently but it still hit close to home reading about them living through it. I loved Matt's character so much and was rooting for him the entire time. Lisa was a little frustrating but I can kind of see where she was coming from in dealing with her grief. Even with a 3 star rating, I would still recommend this book to anyone wanting a good quick read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.