A review by evaraymond
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson


Accurate rating: 4,75.

This book has taught me that all people make mistakes. That all people are bad and good at the same time and it's perfectly okay, because out there in the world there is your soulmate, your love, which will stay with you no matter what. This book taught me that love is real and feels so damn good, doesn't matter who you are: gay, straight, a guy, a girl... It is definitely one of my favourite books. It is definitely something I will remember.

I was reading this book in Russian translation and it was done so good, that I nearly cried through some moments (imagine what would happen with me if I read it in original)! Although, I cant say much about the writing, I can tell one thing: characters out there make my heart race. Jude and Noah. Twin brother and sister, so similar yet so different and so powerful !
Noah is particularly relatable to me because the way he feels about drawing and painting, the same way I feel about writing and taking pictures.
Also, Oscar. Oscar Ralph is one of those British untouchable guys which make me swoon, even though during this book, I was always catching myself thinking: "Do I want to avoid him, or do I want to be him?"
All emotions in the book made me think that ocean was splashing at me, that the energy every one of the characters had was felt by me here, in real world. And this is truly amazing.