A review by emilymdilley
Paper Tiger: An Obsessed Golfer's Quest to Play with the Pros by Tom Coyne


Every time I read a Tom Coyne book, my appreciation for the game, its history and the maddening amount of skill it requires increases. This is my third Tom Coyne book, and I am glad I came back to check out Paper Tiger. It is clear that over the past two decades Coyne's writing style has been refined, while his wit and humorous approach to his books have only gotten better.

As a newly golf-inclined wife to a golf-obsessed husband, I also feel like Coyne's books are approachable to people with little knowledge of the game. It is a mistake to think you won't understand them if you aren't a golf fanatic. Occasionally I do need to look up a golf term, but I generally feel there is enough context provided to help me understand the nuances being discussed. I appreciate that the author takes time to break things like Q-school and other structures of golf and the PGA down. I like the underlying story about his budding (or stagnant, depending on how you look at it) relationship. And I see a lot of myself in Allyson, who popped up as a welcome relief throughout the book.

4 stars here, but 4.5 if I had the choice. I just got my copy of [b:A Course Called America: Fifty States, Five Thousand Fairways, and the Search for the Great American Golf Course|55711589|A Course Called America Fifty States, Five Thousand Fairways, and the Search for the Great American Golf Course|Tom Coyne|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1621173952l/55711589._SY75_.jpg|86884044], so onto the next!