A review by mastersal
Darkness of Dragons by Tui T. Sutherland


Been a while since I read Book 9 (see: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4189857135?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1) but I mostly remembered most of the set-up for this final book of the 2nd arc. Here we ostensibly follow Qibli - but there is also a prophecy to wrap up, Darkstalker’s plot to overcome and put the world to right again. It was a little overstuffed for one book - which I have realized seems to be the author’s issues when it comes to plotting. Book 5 also suffered by having too much to do leaving the focus dragon (in this case Qibli) as a side character in his own book.

The first half of the book - where we focus on Qibli - were fun and had the trademark banter and snark that I expect from the series. Even Part II was a bit off because it felt like a side quest detour which had little to do with the big quest.
Spoiler We reunite Qibli with the rest of the gang but character wise we learn little which is new. We know Darkstalder is evil which we knew in Part 1 already. The confrontation with Qibli and his grandfather which was the focus doesn’t as such matter to Part 3 which kind of left is as a side note.

It was in Part III, where Qibli and gang went to the Nightwing city, where the plot went off the rails. There was a little too much casual magic happening in the series. These dragons can do anything which makes for a dull plot because there isn’t much to overcome. The magic didn’t feel special any longer and left the book feeling less about dragons and more about any magicians.

Spoiler I think the problem was that the author wrote herself into a corner by making Darkstalker too powerful and too villainous. And then we didn’t spend enough time with him to really care about his angst and drama. To be fair I haven’t read the prequel book about him so mostly I was bored by what was happening with him and felt that we should have either focused on him or Qibli.

Overall, I found the book oddly structured in terms of focus and how the parts related to each other.

But honestly what got my goat was the ending. It kind of made me angry.
Spoiler The message of the book seemed to be that it was wrong to use magic to control other dragons. That taking free will away from them is a crime. Ok got it - but somehow that solution was ok for Darkstalker. Let’s turn him into a baby even though he refused the solution. Let’s take away his mind and personality even though he didn’t want it. This was so stupid because the author could have easily shown him to accept the chance for a second life and it would have been ok. Instead he is tricked - which felt like an evil thing to do and kind of felt like murder.

He clearly stated “I don't want to lose all my memories.” (page 351) and that is ignored because he is a villain?! I wish the author had been braver and just killed him or something - the book’s solution kind of felt half-arsed.

The ending and its message left such a bad taste in my mouth that it brought down the overall book for me. It left the book feeling less coherent and the plot like it was slapped together. For annoying the crap out of me in the end I am going with 2 stars. I would have given this 1 star for the ending but I liked the first two parts of the book.

I think I am going to pause in the series for a while as I think it’s running out of steam. Time for me to find another middle grade series to read methinks.