A review by rebeccazh
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild


Kinda wished the author had given a summary of each chapter so I could skip to the relevant ones.

- really appreciated the author's attempt to include emotions in politics
- am in admiration of the author's care in painting very detailed and sympathetic portraits of her interviewees
- the author's use of empathy - the deep story and the empathy wall - reminded me of brene brown's work and it's really inspirational
- this book explained a lot, but i skimmed most of the chapters before chapter 9: the deep story coz they were sort of repetitive and were basically examples illustrating the thesis in chapter 9. imo, the thesis should have come first, then the examples.

the tldr: 1) the clash between the uneducated poor conservative white and the liberal middle-class educated white is a class struggle that is disguised as a moral/political conflict. 2) many of trump's supporters vote for him because of a variety of factors - (toxic) white masculinity, protestant work ethic, christian moral purity and a sense of alienation because of a rapidly technologized/automated country.

it strikes me that trump supporters and the educated liberals are like the blind men and the elephant parable.

there were some really moving quotes in here. anyway, finally i have an answer to the great paradox and i understand the factors influencing this group of people and their emotional motivations.