A review by babs_reviews
In the Land of Tea and Ravens by R.K. Ryals


I had the pleasure of reading an ARC of In the Land of Tea and Ravens by R.K. Ryals. Come and join me for a cup of tea as I tell you about it.

Sometimes we have things in our life that are monumental, sometimes we choose these things, and sometimes they are passed down to us.

For Lyric Mason, "It began and ended with a cup." ... "It was simply a cup."

A cup that was the single most important thing in her life, a cup that connected her to her family. A cup that being tied to made her, in the eyes of the simple minds in Hiccup, Mississippi, an outcast. These townsfolk were afraid of the Mason women, they blamed them said they drove men mad, drove them insane.

What lengths would you go to in order to protect your family?

"Protect the cup. Protect it..."

Grayson Kramer, a boy working on his grandparents farm next door, is intrigued by Lyric. There's a brokenness about her, a pain he sees in the depth of her eyes, it's something he understands all too well.

"A girl with a tear on her cheek.
A girl surrounded by ravens.
A girl who drank tea with the dead."

Brought together by feelings of guilt and pain and shame, Lyric and Mason embark on an romance against all odds. Lyric goes against her head and follows her heart. Sharing a piece of her history with him...

Grayson is confused, curious, and captivated by her. He continues to make promises and willingly follows her ... anywhere, everywhere...against her initial protests.

"I'll take you to a mad tea party that never ends."

This story was hauntingly beautiful. The type of story that leaves you filled with hope and tiny bit of insanity.

"Well, there's a certain freedom to insanity. You should try it."

When I hit the last page, I had tears in my eyes, a smile on my face and laugh bubbling in my throat. I had but one thought, one I share with Grayson,

"I think," he said after a moment, "I think I wouldn't mind another cup of tea."

"Why is it I'm suddenly obsessed with tea?"