A review by howjessicareads
The Last Refuge by Ben Coes


Dewey Andreas, agent extraordinaire, is still recuperating from his near-death experience three months earlier. He was saved from almost certain destruction by a team of a Israeli commandoes led by Kohl Meir, great-grandson of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. He's enjoying a vacation with his girlfriend Jessica (who happens to be the National Security Advisor) and contemplating a new job in private security.

But then Kohl Meir is kidnapped by the Iranians, and as Andreas hunts down Meir's kidnappers he discovers that the Iranians also have a nuclear bomb, which no one else knew about except for Meir. Time is running out: Andreas needs to rescue Meir from the most secure prison in Iran, and simultaneously stop the Iranians from launching a nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv.

The new U.S. president refuses to be involved though - he's trying for a rapprochement with the Iranians. So Andreas is on his own, on a quest to save Kohl Meir (and the world) from destruction.

The Last Refuge is well-written and fast-paced, but had a few too many gory torture/death scenes for a wussy like me. I was keeping a kill count, but I lost track after 19 when there was a scene where a bunch of people died at once. But if you like violent, suspenseful books (a la Tom Clancy or Alex Berenson) you'll love this! I'd give it 3.5 if I could.