A review by nobookendinsight
Your Story Matters: Finding, Writing, and Living the Truth of Your Life by Leslie Leyland Fields


Leslie Leyland Fields has written a beautiful book for any of us who wants to record a short remembrance, or even a longer memoir, of our life journey. Obviously, authors will benefit from the concepts discussed regarding the craft of writing. However, the uniqueness of this book lies in its inspirational memory prompts and its variety of short personal writing examples - from the author and from others as well. Most compelling to me is the warmhearted encouragement from Leslie that my story matters. And hence my life matters. So does yours. Whether you are an author, a journaler, a memory - keeper, a blogger, a FaceBook poster, or a letter writer, Your Story Matters will help you find your voice and tell your truth. It will help you preserve, through the written word, the uniqueness that is inherently, irrevocably YOU.