A review by b00kh0arder
Even Greater Mistakes by Charlie Jane Anders


Round up to 4 1/2 stars.
A great collection of short stories, each with its own mini-introduction from Anders (as well as a main introduction to the collection), all of which - even if they didn't always add anything to the story itself - were interesting. Two things I particualrly took away from it: that it's always a good thing/important to work out what your story is actually about and that it's possible to tell and still show.
My particular favourites were:
As Good as New
Rat Catcher's Yellows (I LOVE the idea of The Divine Right of Cats!)
Love Might be Too Strong a Word
Fairy Werewolf vs Vampire Zombie (I mean, how can you NOT love something with that title?)
My Breath is a Rudder
Power Couple (A great take on how toxic modern work/life expectations are)
Clover (Cats! And the line "WTF I'm a cat?!" genuinely made me have to restrain myself from laughing out loud XD)
A Temporary Embarassment in Spacetime (I would happily read more of Sharon, Kango and Jara!)
Don't Press Charges and I Won't Sue (Whether you're part of the Trans community or not the conceit of this story should terrify you)
The Bookstore at the End of America (Who doesn't love stories about bookshops?)