A review by sarahs_bookish_life
The Woman Who Met Her Match by Fiona Gibson


Lorrie is a wonderful character. She has two grown up children and is trying the dating scene again which doesn't seem to be going terribly well. Being in my forties also, there was a lot that I could relate to in Lorrie's life. Apart from the dating I should add. Having read Lorrie's dating disaster's, I don't think I would be in any hurry to join it if I ever found myself single again.

There are lots of fabulous characters throughout the story. I really liked Lorrie's lodger for one. I mean who wouldn't love a lodger that can cook and bake? I loved how comfortable the pair are together and they reminded me very much of a couple that have been married for years. 

This isn't just a romance novel. Yes there is love in it but it's also about being grown up and having to make decisions. Much harder for Lorrie, when her children arn't that interested in what's going on in her life and she has a mother who is wrapped up in her own world. I really enjoyed reading of her work life and what it's like working behind a make up counter. Certainly makes for some interesting reading.

The Woman Who Met Her Match is a light hearted and feel good read that I struggled to put down. I really enjoyed my first introduction to this authors work and look forward to reading more by her. A highly entertaining and fun read.