A review by thelifeoflaura
Never Have I Ever by Lucy V. Hay


Sam is doing well in her career, she has a husband and a baby and life is going well. That is until she gets the note through her door that stops her heart in her chest. Never Have I Ever Been Punished For What I Have Done.

Sam is catapulted back to those teenage years spent with her best friends, teasing out each other's secrets by announcing things they had Never, ever done. Pushing each other's boundaries, growing closer and growing up. If only they'd stopped there.

I don't know why, but I do feel like I was reading this at the perfect time of year, with Halloween quickly approaching and everything. It was a good book, with thrills you don't expect and a plot twist at the end (that I didn't expect). I will admit that Sam frustrated me as a character, but more for the way she treated her husband through all of this. To some extent I can understand it, now knowing the ending, but there were times where I did want to shake her and go 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST ASK FOR HELP'. Maybe that's the point though. But overall it was a great book, not my favourite thriller, but it was well written and I did want to keep reading it, so that's a good sign.