A review by baldwig
The Life of Charlotte Bronte by Elizabeth Gaskell

informative reflective medium-paced


The Life of Charlotte Bronte by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell The 4

• Another excellent non-fiction recommendation from Steve Donoghue. The Life of Charlotte Bronte adds more to an already great Jane Eyre. I look forward to reading more of this author, her subject, as well as her sisters.
• "I can be on my guard against my enemies, but God deliver me from my friends!" --Currer Bell

• orthography- speliing
obviate- to anticipate and prevent (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as an action)
governness- a woman who teaches and trains a child esp in a private home
consumption- 1 progressive bodily wasting away; also : tuberculosis
tractable- easily controlled : docile • synonyms amenable, obedient, biddable
curate-1 a member of the clergy who is in charge of a parish 2 a member of the clergy who assists a rector or vicar
"in (Patrick Bronte's) cure"
probity- uprightness, honesty
• "the wholesome restriction of poverty"
• "Miss Bronte's inexperience to the ways of the world, and willing deference to opinions of others"
• coterie- an intimate often exclusive group of persons with a common interest
approbation- approval
reprobation- strong disapproval : condemnation
• Name game: Curer, cure, curate Currer's pealing Bell in 'his' parsonage tower. 
• consonant-  having consonance, agreement or harmony • synonyms consistent, compatible, congruous, congenial, sympathetic
• rectitude- 1 moral integrity 2 correctness of procedure • synonyme vitue, goodness, morality, probity
• "he who shuns suffering will never win victory"
• indite- compose (~ a poem); also : to put in writing (~ a letter)
• felicity- great happiness
• "grief is a two-edged sword, it cuts both ways; the memory of one loss is the anticipation of another"
• "I liked Hazlitt's Essays much."
• trumpery- 1 nonsense 2 trivial articles : junk
• "The moral of it is, that if we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love our friends for THEIR sakes rather than for OUR OWN; we must look at their truth to THEMSELVES, full as much as their truth to US."
• errata- a list of corrigenda (plural of corrigendum)
corrigendum- an error in a printed work discovered after printing and shown with its corrections on a seperate sheet
corrigible- correctable
• Miss Bronte "had learned to magnify the meaning of trifles, as do all who live a self-contained and solitary life."
• gibbet- gallows
• "To shun examination into the dangerous and disagreable seems to me cowardly."
• ""Equity demands that you should be your own interpreter."
The courage to change what we can, the serenity to accept what we cannot and the wisdom to know the difference.
• Last paragraph, "But I turn from the critical, unsympathetic public—inclined to judge harshly because they have only seen superficially and not thought deeply. I appeal to that larger and more solemn public, who know how to look with tender humility at faults and errors; how to admire generously extraordinary genius, and how to reverence with warm, full hearts all noble virtue. To that Public I commit the memory of Charlotte Brontë."