A review by hadeanstars
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence


A real delight, and completely engrossing. I was utterly transported by this novel and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. It's somewhat akin to Thomas Hardy, but with adult themes.

The great trick of the work is that its characters are so completely human, unfinished, illogical, at war with themselves. Morel is no hero, and seems eminently dislikeable, a true Venus-Uranus sleep-walker if ever there was one, Clara and Miriam I had plenty of sympathy for. Most of all I felt sympathy for Morel Snr. alienated from his children whilst living in the same home. What an exposition of the Sun-Pluto mother and wife this is, emasculating her husband at every opportunity, but in the most covert manner imaginable.

Without doubt a work of genius, nuanced, believable, not always likeable but certain to really draw you in. And as a portrait of pre-war working class British life, it must be unparalleled. The simplicity, drudgery and beauty of it all is inescapable.