A review by ferrisscottr
A Red Peace by Spencer Ellsworth


I really liked this book.

It is space opera cranked all the way up to 11.

I would be remiss if I also didn't point out things that might seem "Star Wars-esque" - we've got our young hero Jaqi (Luke) fleeing the evil Resistance (Empire) while she grapples with her rare ability to use the Starfire (Force). Of course she's pursued by the troops of John Starfire (the Emperor). The elite troops, the Vanguard (Stormtroopers) are armed with their soulswords (lightsabers).

For about the first 130 pages (remember it's only 204 pages long) I was confused as hell as to what this book was about and why I was spending my time reading it but around page 130 it all started to come together (the confusion factor is why this is a 4 star book and not a 5 star book).

If you've read any of my other sci-fi book reviews you know that I'm actually not a huge sci-fi fan and in order for me to enjoy the genre we've got to have reallly great characters and dialogue and this book has them. There are two main POV characters, very different but both equally captivating.

Too much more about the plot and we'll enter spoiler territory so let me just say this was a fun, kick-ass space opera. If you love the original Star Wars trilogy then you will love this book. There are similarities w/ Star Wars but it really doesn't take away from the book.

I will definitely be continuing with this series.