A review by merlin_reads
Blushing in the Big Leagues by R.S. Grey


 RS Grey has always been a fun read for me and this one was no different. Plus throw in a sports romance, and I was game (no pun intended).

Blushing in the Big Leagues follows Tate, an avid baseball fan and sister to a major league player, and Grant, a major league pitcher. When the two collide at a party, sparks fly. However, Tate doesn't date ball players, esp one on her brothers team. But yet, every time they meet, instant fireworks.

What I love about Grey's writing is how easy it feels. I know that I will be able to just sit down and enjoy a little romance while getting some laughs in. And that's how it was here. I loved the friendship dynamics that were throughout the story as well. I've realized that I love big friend group dynamics and the way Grey wrote them was effortless. I believed these were tight knit friends.

Where I kind of dipped out a little was the actual romance. Don't get me wrong, I loved the swoony parts and the end, but it took a lot to get there (or not a lot depending on how you looked at it). The MC's hardly spent any time together aside from their first makeout session and then casual run ins. But yet, they were madly in love? Add that to the fact that Tate acted like a child a majority of the time she was around Grant, that it just annoyed the hell out of me. There was a moment where I was hoping he would move on because she was being ridiculous. But I did enjoy the cutesy moments, even if they weren't enough to convince me they were in love. Then the last few chapters before the epilogue just skipped a ton of time. It was very jolting.

Overall, still an adorable fun read. I will keep reading anything Grey puts out because I just adore her.