A review by bookdrgn
My Everything by Heidi McLaughlin


Nick is still smarting from losing Josie when he decided to take them on a sabbatical to Africa in a desperate attempt to keep her and Noah from Liam.
We find him nearly a year later, at the end of his sabbatical, crushing hard on one of the nurses.
Aubrey, whose POV is purely speculation as this is written from Nick’s POV, has been enamoured with the good doctor for the better part of this year.

They have a whirlwind romance that culminates in their wedding before they head back to Beaumont.

Nick, Nick, Nick. He wasn’t my favourite character in Forever My Girl. He acted like a spoiled brat who lost his favourite toy. Yes he had been with Josie for six years, after pining for her throughout high school. Yes I’m sure he was hurting, but I wonder if it was the loss of a high school fantasy than any authentic love. But he took off without saying goodbye to Noah, the boy he’d spent six years raising. his regretting this is the only redeemable thing about him in this readers opinion.
He comes across as a narcissist, especially the way he enjoys how grateful the people for his help, and Aubrey is his ‘prize’, the rushing of the wedding screams of winning an imagined battle with Josie over who can be happiest fastest.
He returns to Beaumont with Aubrey and goes to Josie’s cafe and asks to see Noah.
Liam and Josie allow Noah to make the decision and he wants to see Nick.
This part is uncomfortable to me. I get Nick was part of Noah’s life for six years and I understand where oh is coming from, but I wouldn’t be allowing my kid to maybe sleep over at my ex’s place. It all seems very cordial and like Josie doesn’t want to tell how she really feels because she feels guilty ofer getting back with Liam...more because of a sense of duty than residual feelings.
I don’t think this book adds or subtracts anything to the series.