A review by alexiachantel
A Fine Romance by Christi Barth


3.5 Stars

Cute, sweet and will give you a craving for chocolate. A Fine Romance is another fun read from Christi Barth.

Sam and Mira are twi feisty characters who start off on the wrong foot. It's fun to see them keep trying though. They have some very sweet dates, Sam shows off his talent by bringing over fresh pastries and chocolate. How can you turn that down?! The road blocks to their relationship were the only drawback to the story, but that could be because of compairing them with Ben and Ivy's love story.

We still get to see Ben and Ivy! They are prepairing for their wedding and keep bringing all their interesting friends together to do so. They make fun of one another, act like family, and make you want to grab a glass of wine and hang out with them. Gib is still as naughty as ever. And we get to meet a new man, very yummy so lets hope Christi brings him back.

Joint review posted at Reading Between the Wines blog:

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