A review by intensej
Crowbones by Anne Bishop


Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I loved returning to the World of the Others. Although this book could be read as a standalone, it helps to have read [b:Lake Silence|35463752|Lake Silence (The World of the Others, #1; The Others, #6)|Anne Bishop|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1497821052l/35463752._SY75_.jpg|53651626] first. Crowbones takes place on October 31 and Vicki has taught the terra indigene the human tradition of wearing a costume and trick or treating. When someone who appears to be Crowbones, an Elder that the Crowgard fear, knocks on the door of the Jumble, things start to go wrong. When mysterious, vicious deaths in the town appear to be connected, the town's police chief Wayne Grimshaw and vampire Ilya Sanguinati must work together to uncover the truth. I enjoyed the mystery in this book, but I felt like there were moments when a "smoking gun" was revealed, and the people investigating just ignored it. The reveal at the end felt somewhat unsatisfying, but I still enjoyed the book. Fans of cozy mysteries and fantasy will love this book.