A review by burningupasun
The Dream-Maker's Magic by Sharon Shinn


Setting/World Building: 5/5
Main Character: 5/5
Other Characters: 5/5
Plot: 4/5
Writing: 4/5
Triggering/Issues: 5/5 (Minor sexual harassment scene, but not bad enough to really be triggering.)

AVERAGED TOTAL: 4.6 out of 5, rounded to 5.

Maybe this book really is more of a 4.5 or a 4, but I liked it enough to bring it up to five stars. I liked it especially because of the novelty of Kellen; a girl raised as a boy, whose mother treats her as a boy no matter how she tries to act. It was an interesting glimpse at gender and how it affected her, and I liked how sort of neutral Kellen could be. She was both masculine and feminine, comfortable in boys clothes and eventually in girl's clothes, although she would always be a nice mix. I suppose the plot wasn't a very active one, I think it was mostly about her finding her place an I liked that. It was also really nice to see characters from the previous book, too. All in all, a great easy read!