A review by ctorretta
Grim by Joseph Spencer


I finished this book and then went and immediately looked up Joseph Spencer. I am now a huge fan!! I mean, I had doubts about reading this, not because he’s a debut author and this is his first book, not because the face on the book kind of threw me off (although I totally love it after reading!) but because I’m not into the whole mystery/crime genre. It’s just not my thing. But this book, oh man! This book was fantastic!

There’s a lot of back and forth between the main characters so you get to see what everyone is thinking. This threw me off at first. Joseph Spencer has quite a few characters, but as I started to get to know them I was entranced. It also amazed me how visceral this was. I mean!! There is blood and guts everywhere!! And I do mean everywhere. But I really was taken aback by how this started. It’s raw, in your face, intense, so even while you’re trying to get to know everyone you’re still totally sucked in.

The characters are captivating. You can’t tell who is the villain and believe me there are multiple, but who is THE villain exactly?! At around 80% of the book I knew but I also knew that I was cheering for one of them. And isn’t that great? When an author can make you cheer for a villain?

So, Adam is amazing. He’s the White Knight of the city. Really reminded me of Harvey from Batman. This guy can do no wrong but in his mind it’s a lot to deal with. He’s such an in depth guy and yes he does have issues of his own, of which he’s trying desperately to work through. It’s his commitment to find his wife’s murderer that keeps him motivated. And the really cool thing, he’s so calm and collected that nobody sees how much he’s going through!

And then you have Heath. Wow… This character is intense. His story is amazing to read. There’s so much about him and as you get to know him you want him to win even though you’re not sure what side he’s on. But whatever side he’s on, I wanted to be on it! He has an interesting life but mainly because of the scars on his face and learning about those scars was another level to the book. Getting to know the real Heath behind the mask was the best part! The story behind him all has to do with Egyptian Mythology. I love how much is in here! There’s so much about Gods, Angels and Demons that again, I was entranced and I know my mythology. But there is stuff in here that I’ve never heard of before. And it was all enter-twined so well that it didn’t drag the book down at all. It brought another dimension to it that again was exciting and needed!

This guy can write!! I’m a huge fan now. Mysteries, I’m still iffy on, but this guy? Yeah, I can’t wait for book two to come out! But now I”ll read anything that Joseph Spencer writes!

Although this sort of reminded me of a comic book hero type of book, it was fabulous. Like horror and some blood and guts? This is definitely your thing!