A review by amyiw
Embrace the Night by Karen Chance


3 1/2 stars
So this one just wasn't as good for me as the first two. At the very end, I was getting really angered because I thought that it would end in a cliffhanger. It didn't but that means that it ended abruptly. Not that it wasn't good, at points it was great but others it was just a little too tedious to get through the sections. Some of the world, magic, building she just goes into too much detail, or during certain scenes, it is just overly described. This started in the beginning of the book and here and there was scatter within.
Spoiler The opening scene, the ley line travel, the two attacks by Rosier, and it seems all the sex scenes that she has written to this point. I remember in the first book, the scene with Mircea was actually painful to get through with all the talk and the drawn out thoughts in her head, same every single time. I like the encounters with Pritkin the best, as they feel more real, even though he is 1/2 incubus.
With this 3rd book, I just wanted to zone out more. Still the story was very good overall, though a little too convoluted in places with the time travel and then the answer to the geis problem.

So I listen to most of this and it was for the most part a pretty good narrator. My only real qualm was every time she read "Dulceață", sweetness, it made me cringe. He says literally one word in Romanian in all the books. How hard is it to learn the pronunciation of one word? She gets the 'ch' right, put the s sound and uh. I know this is minor, especially since I thought she did pretty well with all the characters and... well every time I hear it, it takes me out of the story. I can't help my mind.

Great addition though I wish she would cut out some of the explaining. Maybe it is my problem because I remember the last books seeing as I read them right before this one and didn't read them a year before waiting for the next publication. I came to this series late, but I've seen other have this complaint and nothing else, so I'm not alone here. I'll go on to the next right away, though I think maybe I should step away and let time pass so the repetition becomes helpful instead of annoying. Still the drawn out scenes were not repetition. I think the Dorina Basarab spin off starts here so I might go to that instead.