A review by marlan
Who Hates Whom: Well-Armed Fanatics, Intractable Conflicts, and Various Things Blowing Up by Bob Harris


Highly enjoyable, amusing book covering the recent history that led to major world conflicts. Not as amusing as the title promises, but it's still a remarkable feat to write about atrocities and have me laughing out loud a paragraph later. It covers so much that it's handy as a reference guide--next time a major conflict breaks out, pull out this book, brush up on the relevant geographical region, and look absurdly well-read at your next dinner party.

And, of course, be a more informed global citizen and have a greater understanding of the forces that shape our world (which you can show off at dinner parties).

My only complaint is that world events change so much that this book may quickly become dated. I wish the author would publish a new edition.