A review by raenovels
Wrong in All the Right Ways by Tiffany Brownlee


Wrong in All the Right Ways by Tiffany Brownlee is about forbidden love, a tough life, and bad choices. What would you do if you fell in love with someone you shouldn't fall in love with?

Wrong in All the Right Ways was a very cute book! It was entertaining and easy to read. It was simply written and very reminiscent of Erin Watt (so if you're an Erin Watt fan, this one is for you!) While some phrases in the book were laden with cliches, I still enjoyed it.

The pacing of the book was perfect for a Young Adult contemporary romance--swift and packed with interesting events and tense moments. The story flowed seamlessly without any jarring time jumps, and it hooked me from the very first page.

The story concept was interesting. Who doesn't love a good book about forbidden love, right? While the story concept was good, the main character, Emma, irritated me. She's supposed to be a genius, but she came off as fickle and shallow. Her relationship with Keegan was baffling, and I honestly hated how that part of the book rolled out. Though I didn't love the drama with Keegan, Emma's interactions with Dylan were wonderfully executed. I liked reading them and thought the relationship between Emma and Dylan was very sweet.

The ending was okay. It's not how I would have liked to see the book end, but it was still an adequate ending that brought a good sense of closure.

The characters overall were cute, though again, I wasn't a fan of Emma. I loved Dylan's character. I liked that he wasn't perfect and had a past that rocked his sense of self. He made bad choices and suffered for those choices, but overall, he was a good person. The secondary characters--the mom and dad, Keegan and Karmin--were also good. While not highly developed, they were all unique characters and easy to imagine.

Should you read this book? If you enjoy Young Adult contemporaries, check it out!

Thank you to the author and the publisher, Henry Holt and Co., for sending me an Advanced Reader's Copy for review purposes.