A review by charlottejones952
Waiting for Doggo by Mark B. Mills


Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Headline through BookBridgr.

Waiting for Doggo is a sweet short novel about relationships of all type, including romantic relationships as well as the love shared between pets and their owners. The cast of characters were varied but a little typical of this kind of contemporary novel. My favourite character was actually Doggo, the ugly loveable dog who plays a huge part in this story.

I loved how the world of advertising played a large role in the story and how the London setting was established well throughout.

Overall I would definitely recommend this book but I feel there was just a little something missing for me. I think the story would have benefited if the book was longer than its 224 pages but this was a fun quick read that I couldn't put down and read in one sitting.