A review by sadea7
Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst


*ARC received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I enjoyed the concept idea of were-dragons and it’s not often I come across a story with dragon mythology, especially when the setting of the story is in the present day. Normally they take place in medieval times and are a dying breed/race. Durst however gave were-dragon status among social media era and all the celebrity allure that grounds this concept that could have turned into a cheesy story.
What I liked most about Fire & Heist was the family unity and how were-dragons are treasure hunters who thrive and rise in rank based on their love for gold. Gold is their way of life and how they value worth based on conquering prize jewels. Sky Hawkins is a spunky character who meld perfectly with the intriguing and clever Gabriela. Their relationship was just so fresh and funny it was charming. The humor really held the story together and balanced all the other tones that maybe didn’t rise to the occasion. I did feel like the antagonist and climax was a bit lack luster the stakes never seemed to high or propel the story anywhere. Overall, I enjoyed the story and really liked all the characters personalities.