A review by pirogoeth
Confessions of a Closet Catholic by Sarah Darer Littman


I feel like I understand some of what she's going through. One part is the friend. He didn't grow up in a very religious home and when he started learning about Judaism, he said it just made sense to him. That's how I feel about Catholocism. It's just right for me.

When I was in college it took me a couple of years to start going to Mass on my own. Until then it was always something that I had to get up early in the morning and dress nicely for. In Junior High and High School I started to enjoy it more because we'd have Mass during the week as a part of the school day and I was really involved.
In college it just didn't feel right to simply sit there, so I just got lazy and didn't go. Then one day I finally got up the courge to ask the person in charge of the music group at that Mass if they could use a trumpet player. From there I went to Mass every Sunday I was there because I was a part of it and I loved it. Now I almost hate having to go out of town because I won't be at the Newman Center on Sunday.

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