A review by kayla_llbr
Touch by Jus Accardo


I have to say I really enjoyed this book. Deznee reminds me a lot of how we all act at 17: invincible. She is a wild child that purposely pushes the envelope in order to get a rise out of her dad. Yes, some serious daddy issues going on in this book.

Then we have Kale. Kale is a really interesting character. He is essential a feral man that has no experience with other humans because his touch can kill you, well everyone except Deznee.

“He sat up straight, eyes wide, and touched the tip of his index finger to his cheek. “What was that?”I blushed. “A kiss.”"That’s what a kiss feels like?”"Well, technically. There are a lot of different types of—”"Show me.”"Show you what?”"Show me some other kinds.”"You’re asking me to kiss you?”

And he is adorable. Could you imagine explaining a kiss to a guy? He is so sweet and innocent despite his circumnstances. Over the course of the book you learn to feel a connection between Kale and Dez. Some skeletons pop out of the closet. And you are left reading one hell of adventure.

4 stars*
