A review by ihateprozac
The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda


This had so many things I usually love: seaside town setting; a "did she jump or was she pushed?" mystery; class differences; and serial break & enters.

Unfortunately the hollow characters stopped me from getting invested in this. I didn't really connect with the protagonist; while we know so much about her life it just feels like facts on paper and not a proper, fleshed out, realistic character. She's got no personality so I didn't care either way whether she succeeded or not.

We're also never given a proper opportunity to get to know Sadie and the dynamics of her family. As a result, I never felt any tension or that there was a "Big Bad" at play here. I could never be sure whether to love or hate Sadie, and her parents and brother were these unknowns that flitted in sporadically. I couldn't get invested in the mystery because nobody held my interest.

I think the timeline and tone of this book were just a little off. Had the story started earlier and with a punchier voice, I might have bought into the mystery about her death.

Also this book title? Makes it seem like a story that it's not.
