A review by lauren_readsbooks2302
The Wicked King by Holly Black



All the stars in the world. I love Cardan and Jude so much it HURTS. 

"Kiss me again," he says, drunk and foolish. "Kiss me until I am sick of it." 

He looks up at me with his night-coloured eyes, beautiful and terrible all at once. "For a moment," he says, "I wondered if it wasn't you shooting bolts at me." 
I make a face at him. "And what made you decide it wasn't?" 
He grins up at me. "They missed." 

The entire book is do damn quotable. I adored that even with how angry Cardan was at Jude, he still knew how powerful and impressive she was. My mans never put her down, minimised her or tried to make her feel less than she was and I'll love him forever for it. 

"I hate you," I breathe into his mouth. "I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else." 

"Sweet Jude, you are my sweetest punishment." 

This entire series is a masterpiece but there's something about this book that just clinches the lead for me. The political intrigue is ramping up. Jude is finding her power a little more. Cardan is slowly realising that Jude is his salvation and is it for him. Everything is slowly starting to come together.