A review by sinamile
The Daughters of Salem: How we sent our children to their deaths: Part 1 by Thomas Gilbert


ARC Review: Received for free via Netgalley for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

TW: racism, murder, gore, abuse hidden as preserving God's word, blood, animal cruelty

I don't even know how to appropriately rate this one. For most of the book I just wanted to DNF it and be done with it. But it's a graphic novel and quite short, but yow, it was hard to get through. I started it easily enough but then it was hard to keep going. I spend three days convincing myself to go on.

It's possibly a nice story, but it just wasn't for me. I couldn't concentrate and then I'd cringe sometimes because of some of the situations. I wanted to like this, but nah, it wasn't for me.