A review by timgrubbs
Star Wars: Last Shot by Marc Thompson, Daniel José Older, January LaVoy


A mess of a story that is still oddly charming…

Last Shot (Star Wars): A Han and Lando Novel by Daniel José Older is a book that tries to expand the star wars MYTHOS (and fails) but manages to add some interesting characterization…

The story involves old adventures by Han and Lando (superstar, not together) that come to a head in the present with neither quite sure what trouble they are in.

Set years after Endor (and many years before Shadow of the Sith), Landonis re-establishing himself as a businessman while Han is a family man, only for both to be pulled into something neither wanted to deal with in their golden years.

Lando is trying to figure out his love life (one of my favorite elements of the book), and Han would rather be with his family hut he really has to handle this trouble.

This does more to shape their friendship that that terrible Solo movie that this is meant to tie in with. I actually thought this might try to fill in gaps in the new current canon…but it just leaves me with more questions. I’ll just have to live with that…

Extra points for creative use of an Ewok…