A review by lattelibrarian
Joséphine by Pénélope Bagieu


Josephine is an average French woman who wants nothing more than to settle down with someone she loves.  The problem?  The dating scene.  Follow Josephine through her trials and tribulations as she changes moods, clothes, and dates!

Review: Laugh out loud hilarious--that's what this is.  Josephine is a woman.  Single, employed, friendly, and most importantly, single.  She wants nothing more than to find the right man, and to finally get married and have kids.  Unfortunately, the dating scene proves to be more difficult than she imagined.  But when she finally lands a guy she likes, her reactions and problems are all too real.  Like when she wakes her boyfriend up in the middle of the night just to ask if he still likes her?  Man, if that ain't me...

Drawn in a fun and bright cartoony style, Penelope Bagieu knows just how to draw a scene that evokes laughter.  She does a great job at drawing the little things in the midst of a larger scene (like Josephine's cat going in on her sandwich as Josephine is complaining on the phone with a wide range of emotions), and knows just how to perfectly time things for the best laughter payout.  

Josephine, as a character, really is all too relatable.  Cat?  Check.  Can't find anything good to wear and then cancels?  Check.  Pays for a trainer and then avoids the gym at all cost?  I can't afford a trainer, but the sentiment remains, so--check. 

Josephine is the bright light that we need in this dark world, and I can't wait to read more of her adventures!

Review cross-listed here!