A review by casparb
Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud


This is a really solid look at the Freudian method put into practice beyond the analyst’s couch, as it were. As a foray into anthropology from a Western European in the early 20thc it has its issues of course, but it’s worth pointing out the value of the text to later anthropological studies - in Bataille, Lèvi-Strauss and so forth, and not exclusively with the purpose of tearing it down.

So T&T works as a nice primer for Freud and also delivers warmly enough on conceptual specifics- The Omnipotence of Thought, Genealogy of Mourning, Magic and “Anti-Magic” (??!!??). It goes on. I like it despite aspects which we find harder to swallow. Freud shall return here soon enough