A review by slayercommathe
The Bird in the Window by Wendy Dalrymple


The Bird in the Window is a novella centering around three different women. There's Ashley, a busy nurse fresh off a divorce, who becomes entangled in the thirty odd year mystery of a retired cop's missing wife and daughter. She shares her suspicions with best friend Patience who mentions that the eccentric former art teacher, Sally might have some details of the past. All is well until Ashley's poking around starts to open old wounds and she becomes the target of threatening letters. There is someone in the neighbourhood who doesn't want her unravelling old secrets.

This was a terrific novella, although I did end up wishing it was a little longer as the story unfolded, It's a great mix of thriller and romance - even though the latter isn't really my thing in stories, I didn't feel it was overly gratuitous or that it took away from the story in any way. Sally's point of view was honestly my favourite part. It was great seeing her from her own perspective rather than her neighbours.

If you want to fit in another read before the end of the year,  I'd recommend this one. Its a quick plus that ending is going to wow you!