A review by ameserole
Claiming the Dragon King by Amelia Hutchins


I'm feeling the vibes...

...and by vibes I mean the ghosting ones.

Claiming the Dragon King was a struggle for me. From the very beginning, I knew that this was going to be rough ride because I hated absolutely everything. Blane? Loathed him entirely. It was actually quite easy to do so. Now I love a good asshole every now and then but I just wanted to punch him.. a lot. Then there's Ciara who was okay but, uh, I still didn't like her either.

There's this one thing that really frustrates me the most and that's communication. If one can not talk about their feelings, emotions, the day, what they ate for a meal, or basically anything else in the entire fucking world - then I will not be able to believe that you will get a happily ever after with someone else. It actually hurts my brain to even begin thinking that way because if you can't talk about your love of grilled cheese and tomato soup on a cold ass day.. how am I going to think you can say 'I love you' to an actual person?

It will not happen people.

So, please talk about your feelings or I will scream and pull out my hair. Bald Alaina is not a great look people.

In the end, it's safe to assume that I disliked this entire book. I will admit, though, that the almost death experience made me feel a little bit better.