A review by laurenjodi
Nero's Fiddle by A.W. Exley


Nero's Fiddle
4 Stars

Series note:The events of the novella, The Unicorn's Tale occur in parallel to this book, which contains spoilers for it. Nevertheless, the storylines are unrelated and it is possible to skip the novella.

When several seemingly random people become victims of spontaneous human combustion, Inspector Fraser believes that there is more to the deaths than meets the eye. He reluctantly joins forces with Cara and Nate, who soon realize that another deadly artifact is being used as a murder weapon and the next target may just be someone closer to home.

One of the most appealing aspects of this series is the manner in which Exley incorporates actual historical elements within the storyline. In this case, Exley weaves a clever tale around the real-life mystery surrounding the question of hemophilia within the royal bloodline and the suspicion that
SpoilerQueen Victoria was not the biological daughter of Edward of Kent
Spoiler - a theory that has been thoroughly debunked.

The narrative structure in this installment is different from the first two books as it includes several flashback chapters focusing on Cara's grandmother. These episodes provide considerable detail and insight not only into Nan's character but also into Cara's traumatic ordeal (see book #1) as well as the twists and turns of the current plot.

There are also some new developments in Cara and Nate's relationship as Cara learns more about his notorious past and must decide whether or not she can live with it. Although the romance takes a definite back seat to the mystery, it is clear that Nate's past and present are on a collision course and it will be interesting to see where Exley takes this.

Overall, an exciting and entertaining addition to the series and I look forward to listening to the next one.