A review by scubacat
Nightbred: Lords of the Darkyn by Lynn Viehl


While I love Viehl's Darkyn series, I'm less enthused by the last few installments. Nightbred is slightly more interesting than the last one, but the characters are still shallow and hard to root for. In this particular book, Jamys is fully described as a baby faced man who wishes his daddy would stop coddling him so he could be treated seriously as a fighter and get the girl. Well, boo hoo. That's about all we ever learn about his motivations or internal struggle. There are descriptions in the book about his mother's betrayal, but although Viehl describes the conflict often, we don't really ever feel what Jamys is feeling or really understand how it shapes him. Fans of the series, however, may still find the story interesting and the side plot of Lucan and Sam is great as they always are.