A review by averyfrost
Like Unto Moroni by Rebecca Connolly, Jen Geigle Johnson, H.B. Moore


I read this little 50-page beauty in one sitting and boy oh boy am I gonna have to read it again. It feels more like a gospel scholarly essay than a book, but it taught some great lessons nonetheless. I loved studying The Book of Mormon for Come Follow Me at home last year and I distinctly remember the lessons we had about Captain Moroni. He was an incredible example of faith, courage, and perseverance to his people. People loved him, they looked to him as a beacon of hope. Even though he knew this, he was still humble enough to take his decisions to the prophet Alma, as well as to the Lord himself before acting.
The prophet Mormon said, "if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." I echo the same sentiments for women as well. If women stood for and portrayed the same traits as Moroni, the world would be a little kinder, a little braver, a little bolder. May we, as disciples of Christ, strive to be more like him, and by consequence, we will be striving to be like Him as well. I can't wait to study this book more in-depth in the future. Well done H.B. Moore, Rebecca Connolly, and Jen Geigle Johnson. 5/5 stars