A review by gabography
The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter by Theodora Goss

Did not finish book. Stopped at 37%.
oh, how i tried. the concept and world of this series are fascinating, but holy #@&% i could not get past the narrative style. i know it's something i'm sure other readers enjoy it or find it endearing, but i kept cringing every time the characters would interject in the story like the ye olde days of fanfic dot net where the author and the characters they were writing about would "banter" either within the story or in the notes about the story's contents or argue about how they wer  being written, etc etc to get a laugh from fellow fans of whatever. it was a flashback i didn't need because i didn't like it then, and i don't like it now. but again, people used to love that so there's absolutely going to be people who love this! i am just not one of those people