A review by stephbookshine
Addict by Matt Doyle


*I received a free copy of this book, with thanks to the author. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

Addict is right up my street, crossing two of my favourite genres: sci-fi and mystery, with a flavour of urban fantasy style that reminded of Jim Butcher and Kim Harrison if they were crossed with Sue Grafton and Tony Bertauski.

The detective plot is tight and well-paced, with an interesting range of suspects and motives, and the futuristic technology is seeded nicely throughout the action in order to give just enough detail without slowing things down.

The central character, Cassie Tam, is a PI who uses a mixture of the available tech (such as her robotic gargoyle security-pet Bert) and old-school policing methods (knocking on doors and asking the questions). Her personal life and history are fed in, again, throughout the plot, with just enough to be intriguing and promising without distracting too much from the main storyline.

I love the whole idea of Tech Shifters of various kinds, and Virtual Reality Junkies (Pro and Addict). In fact the whole setup of the society Matt Doyle has created here has me hooked and I am excited to follow Cassie further and find out more about the corrupt hierarchy she is forced to work within and around, and what more can be done with the AI technological advances.

This is definitely one for my personal wishlist and I would recommend it to anyone who likes urban fantasy but with a sci-fi focus and murder-mystery plot (me, me and me!).

For legal purposes, I’m registered as a private investigator. The law of the land means that’s enough to get me certain dispensations for my work, providing I follow procedure and fill out reams of digital paperwork before I go doing anything stupid. Sometimes, I don’t bother.

– Matt Doyle, Addict

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog