A review by luna_rondo
The F- It List by Julie Halpern


I'm torn, truly. This book is probably a two, but I gotta give it a three for two reasons - well, maybe three reasons.

1. Sex. Yeah, maybe Leo and Alex have it a little more than I remember people having sex when I was in high school, but the way they talk about it so refreshing. AND THE MASTURBATION. NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT IT AND THIS BOOK DID SO THAT WAS AN A+ MOVE RIGHT THERE.

2, 3. Alex and Becca. First off, the amount of snark and sass from the both of them was wonderful. I loved every minute I saw of either of them. Second, they were very unique voices, refreshing to see.

Bad things? The writing was okay, the plot was all over the place, and all the horror movies/pop culture drops annoyed me, but I guess the good outweighed the bad for me on this book.