A review by nissahh
This Is How We Fly by Anna Meriano


I received this for review courtesy of the publisher and Goodreads for an honesty review.

I was hoping that I was going to really like this, but it was an okay read. It's hard to describe and I feel like I will be sounding like I don't support anything that these characters stood for. But it seemed like the author was putting in a lot of causes in this book. That sounded so bad and I don't mean that in a negative way, it was just so much.

As for the characters they're not that memorable for me to be honest. I really didn't connect with any of them and that's okay. Ellen is the main character and I really have any feelings towards her or her friends or what was going on with her love life.

I'm not Latinx/e (I hope that is right, if not I'm so sorry), so I can't really comment on her relationship with her step mom and sister, because I don't know how those dynamics works.

To be honest I don't have any type of feelings for this and it's a 3 because the ending made me cry. The writing is easy and even though it's long, it's a quick read and hard to put down. I know this because I read a bout 80 pages and wanted to dnf, but ended up picking it up again and finishing it the next day.