A review by rebecca_3
A Soul For Vengeance by Crista McHugh


This review can also be found on my blog: A Match Made in Heaven

This was Kell's story. The first two books had a pretty even split of the POV between the 3 protagonists. But in this one, I could probably count the number of Arden or Dev POVs on both hands. Its almost entirely Kell and Zara. But we still follow Arden and Dev's progress through their occasion chapters and also through Kell who has contact with them.

I will admit, this book finally made me appreciate Kell. He just needed to get out on his own and develop more as a character, instead of just the third wheel to Dev and Arden. He and Zara are perfect for each other. At first I had trouble believing that Kell would get over Arden so quickly. But eventually I saw the difference between the relationship he has with Zara, and the relationship he had with Arden. They are much better matched. And Zara is even more kick-ass than Arden! I do like her better. She knows what she wants and she goes for it. If Arden was more like Zara, the Arden-Dev relationship woes would have been solved long time ago.

That being said, I still would have enjoyed this book more if it had been focused on Dev and Arden like the first two. Dev is the highlight of this series for me. And the mention of another soul? WTF? How is that possible. Way to leave us hanging! And we will never know for sure since its just a trilogy. Oh well, I can assume the best! I was also surprised that there was no resolution in regards to
SpoilerLoku. I expected something to change. But I guess she will just have to live with him for the rest of her life. She is clearly not going mad. They never really explain it but I would assume it has something to do with her Elf heritage

But in the end there are warm and fuzzies all around. A perfect ending, which I guess was amplified by the fact that I finally appreciated Kell. So maybe the redistributed POVs had a purpose after all. Four wonderful people who really deserved their HEAs.