A review by kitrook
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson


I read this book a couple of years ago and completely forgot about it until now. I remembered it existed today, and immediately started searching for it, googling things like "boy lives in hospital and boy who lit himself on fire" "teenage boy parents were killed and he lives in hospital" "boy who lives in hospital scared of doctor".... not to much luck, to no surprise. Eventually, though, I did find it. So immediately I got my hands on a copy and started reading it. I finished it in maybe an hour or two because I was so caught up in it.

It's probably worth a mention that I sobbed while reading this. My younger self, who had gone through fewer trials of life, definitely wasn't as touched by this book. It's a book about grief, moving on, accepting it, and the unfairness of death. It shows what big consequences your actions can have; checking your phone while driving, kissing a boy in a hospital bed, running away from who you are. Oh, how I cried after Lexi died. The exchange of Lexi and Trevors lives was something I had forgotten from my original read, and it hit me hard.

The truth is I could go on about what I just read for literal hours, but I don't think anyone wants to read that. So I'll end it here with a statement: This is a beautiful book, and I would recommend it to anyone who has ever lost someone they love.