A review by bjerz
A Fugitive Truth by Dana Cameron


What a delightful find A Fugitive Truth is for an archaeologist wannabe and former archivist like me! The main character, Emma Fielding, is herself a historical archaeologist doing archival research a woman who owned a 18th century home that she is excavating and she is wildly excited to have access to her journal. As a good teacher, Emma muses about the value of seeming little things, like journals: "History tends to be about grand events or trends that are dissociated from the common person. Historical archaeology is about everyday things, it's finding out about people who didn't always have a voice or fair representation by those who kept the public records, its about filling in the blanks." As Emma delves further into the journal's details she discovers a secret code and a trial for murder. What could be more exciting? Oh, there are is a real murder mystery, too.