A review by chroniclesofabookreader
The Fire Between High & Lo, by Brittainy C. Cherry


**3.5 Stars**

Logan (Lo) and Alyssa (High) created a friendship out of deep need. Him to escape and find care outside of his toxic home, and her to feel something outside of her stifled existence. With their paths merged, the bond that they form is deep and long-lasting. She becomes his high and saving grace, while he simply becomes her everything. But she’s competing against the hold his life has on him, and it is not a battle easily won.

I absolutely adored the first book in this series, and that was my first foray in Ms. Cherry’s writing. The writing is still enjoyable and captivating in The Fire Between High and Lo, but I had a really hard time falling for Logan. I essentially never did. He was such a contemptuous personality that I could never see past it, or find reason to love him. I couldn’t understand the choices he made which halted my connection to him, even as early as in Part One of the story. And you know, maybe Ms. Cherry wanted him to come off that way. Maybe she wanted readers to see an erred man who had faults and he wasn’t going to do anything to change them. And in Alyssa’s unwavering devotion to him, I think the lesson to learn is that there is the possibility to forgive in all of us even if we won’t admit it. I truly think that this novel has a lot to teach us (even though I know there will be others who can’t see past their opinions of Logan), and that for however many don’t love him, there will just as much if not more who absolutely love him. That’s the beauty of writing, and Ms. Cherry wrote another great story with characters who are unapologetically who they are. From childhood friends to beyond, Logan and Alyssa will take you on a ride.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**