A review by altidlaesende
Championess by Tarun Shanker, Kelly Zekas


ARC copy received free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

I requested this specific title because I expected to read about a strong female lead, who broke the boundaries for womanly behavior in the 1700s. I wasn't disappointed as such, but I did find our main character, Elizabeth Wilkinson, to be a bit too hot-headed which more got me to be a bit annoyed by her, than amazed. This was especially true for the first half. After understanding her a bit more, I truly felt for her, and I had to rush through the last part in the hopes that she would make it - both for her own sake, but also for her sister's sake.

I didn't know anything about the history of the real Elizabeth Wilkinson before I finished this graphic novel, but having researched her a bit, I got even more amazed by her. I understand that this is a work of fiction only based on real events, but it is a bit unclear to me why the author decided to make her half-Indian. I get that maybe it's a way to attack subjects as race, abuse to women, trauma, etc. But the whole story of how the first female boxer saw the light of day would still have appealed to me without the element of race.

I still liked the title, and using the Goodreads rating system, this means that it will get 3 stars.